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Originally known as the Wimborne Area Housing Association (WAHA), East Boro was set up by Peggy Bartley, a local doctor’s wife, in 1960. With its roots firmly plated in the historic Dorset market town, Mrs Bartley’s vision and aim was that of meeting the housing needs of local people.


The first property acquired by WAHA was the old bake house building in Station Road, Wimborne. Once refurbished this became home to married couples in need, with the organisation adding to its property portfolio on a regular basis.


In the mid seventies WAHA merged with Cranborne Housing Association, at which point East Boro Housing Trust, as is it was known, was born.


 In 2006 East Boro became Corporate Trustees of Cyril Wood Memorial Trust, a sheltered housing scheme in Bere Regis, Dorset, which provides accommodation specifically for retired artists, writers, painters, musicians and crafts-people.

A year later, the organisation undertook a huge refurbishment at the facility – something that received widespread acclaim.


East Boro marked its Golden Jubilee in 2010.


Since 2010 Siroptimists (Poole) Housing Association, King Alfred Housing Association and Cyril Wood Memorial Trust have all joined to formally become part of East Boro. In March 2020 East Boro joined and became part of The Aster Group.